Sunday, May 26, 2013

Mandarin Society UMK

In UMK , we have Mandarin Society to allow the chinese join together and stay close with each other.

Every Sem , we will organize few events to encourage others races poeple to join and get to know our chinese culture.

we had organized few big events

Kelantan 一日游 2012

冬至晚会---表演  2012

UMK -- UMP  2013

UMK IDOL Singing Competition 2013

Hotel in Kelantan ( PC Campus )

  • Crown Garden Hotel  ( )
- i stayed here before , it is near to chinese town..chinese food is easy to get
and others...

Useful link

Click the given link , then find UMK group.

we will add you in to our UMK facebook group. You can ask more further in there and your direct senior will lead you guy.

1. Create a account in Quan Sheng the link ,

Sarjana Muda Pentadbiran Perniagaan (Perbankan dan Kewangan Islam) dengan Kepujian ( SAB )

The Faculty of Entrepreneurship and Business, offers Bachelor Of Business Administration (Islamic Banking And Finance) to provide candidates with both practical skills and theoretical knowledge of administrative and also have entrepreneurial concepts and values to enable them to become a competent and analytical practitioner in Islamic Banking And Finance industry; to encourage further study in Administration (Islamic Banking And Finance) in line with the fast changing economic environment and current requirement. Also to produce graduates with the specialization of Islamic Banking And Finance who will master the areas of the islamic banking and finance industry. The curricula of this programme are designed to cultivate students with entrepreneurial cultures, ethically imbued, values, creative, innovative, professional, and able to solve problems oriented to Islamic Banking And Finance area and compete in the market.
English is the medium of instruction for all programmes offered by the Faculty
Learning duration: 8 semester (4 years)
Total credit: 130 hours credits
Career prospects
Manager in Banking and Finance sectors, Entrepreneur, become Intrapreneur that leads innovation in organization, social entrepreneur. Graduates aslo qualifies to work with government agencies.

Sarjana Muda Keusahawanan (Peruncitan) dengan Kepujian ( SAR )

Fakulti Keusahawanan dan Perniagaan menawarkan Sarjana Muda  Keusawanan (Peruncitan) dengan Kepujian untuk menyediakan bakal graduan dengan kemahiran teori dan praktikal serta konsep dan nilai-nilai keusahawanan bagi membolehkan mereka untuk menjadi cekap dan pengamal analitikal dalam kedua-dua bidang keusahawanan dan peruncitan konvensional, untuk menggalakkan kajian lebih lanjut dalam Keusahawanan (Peruncitan) sejajar dengan persekitaran ekonomi yang berubah dengan pantas. Juga untuk melahirkan graduan dengan pengkhususan Peruncitan yang akan menguasai bidang pengurusan peruncitan, aktiviti, teknologi dan komunikasi (berurusan dengan pengguna, pembekal, masyarakat serta kerajaan). Kurikulum program ini direka untuk memupuk pelajar dengan budaya keusahawanan, nilai-nilai untuk memberikan pembelajaran yang berterusan serta membekalkan graduan untuk menjadi seorang yang lebih berdaya saing.
Bahasa Inggeris adalah medium perantaraan bagi semua program yang ditawarkan oleh fakulti

Jangka masa pembelajaran : 8 semester (4 tahun)
Jumlah Kredit : 125 jam kredit
Prospek Kerjaya
Usahawan dalam bidang Peruncitan , Penganilisis Perniagaan, Perunding Pengurusan/Pengurus Pasaraya, Eksekutif, Penyelidik Pasaran, Pembantu jualan/ Supervisor/Pelatih Pengurusan.

Bachelor of Entrepreneurship (Health Entrepreneurship) with Honors ( SAW)

The Faculty of Entrepreneurship and Business, offers Bachelor of Entrepreneurship (Health Entrepreneurship) to provide candidates with both practical skills and theoretical knowledge of entrepreneurial concepts and values to enable them to become a competent and analytical practitioner in both entrepreneurship and conventional Health industry; to encourage further study in Entrepreneurship (Health Entrepreneurship) in line with the fast changing economic environment. Also to produce graduates with the specialization of Health Entrepreneurship who will master the areas of Health Care industry. The curricula of this programme are designed to cultivate students with entrepreneurial cultures, ethically imbued, values, creative, innovative, professional, and able to solve problems oriented to Health Care industry area and compete in the market.
English is the medium of instruction for all programmes offered by the Faculty
Learning duration: 8 semester (4 years)
Total credit: 125 hours credits
Career prospects
Entrepreneur, Manager /Assistant Office Manager in hospital, long-term care facilities and other health care environments, Manager /Assistant Clinical Manager and self employment.

Click here for programs structure

Sarjana Muda Keusahawanan (Hospitaliti) dengan Kepujian ( SAH )

The Faculty of Entrepreneurship and Business, offers Bachelor of Entrepreneurship (Hospitality) to provide candidates with both practical skills and theoretical knowledge of entrepreneurial concepts and values to enable them to become a competent and analytical practitioner in both entrepreneurship and conventional Hospitality; to encourage further study in Entrepreneurship (Hospitality) in line with the fast changing economic environment. Also to produce graduates with the specialization of Hospitality who will master the areas of Hospitality operation, facility management, process and services. The curricula of this programme are designed to cultivate students with entrepreneurial cultures, enthusiasm, values, creative, innovative, tolerant, ethically imbued and able to compete in the market. Graduates should eventually be in major organizations in professional practice, industry, education and government agencies or have their own business or professional practice.
English is the medium of instruction for all programmes offered by the Faculty
Learning duration: 8 semester (4 years)
Total credit: 125 hours credits
Career prospect
Entrepreneur, Sales and Marketing, Meeting Planners, Event Organiser for Sports / Entertainment Hotels / Resorts and Customer Service.

Sarjana Muda Keusahawanan (Pelancongan) dengan Kepujian ( SAP )

The Faculty of Entrepreneurship and Business, offers Bachelor of Entrepreneurship (Tourism) to provide candidates with both practical skills and theoretical knowledge of entrepreneurial concepts and values to enable them to become a competent and analytical practitioner in both entrepreneurship and conventional Tourism; to encourage further study in Entrepreneurship (Tourism) in line with the fast changing economic environment. Also to produce graduates with the specialization of Tourism who will master the areas of Tourism management, activities, processing and communication (dealing with tourists, suppliers, community and government). The curricula of this programme are designed to cultivate tourism graduates who are entrepreneur oriented, ethically imbued, competently trained, professionally groomed, empowered to continuously learn and nurtured to be caring and compassionate, and readily employable.

English is the medium of instruction for all programmes offered by the Faculty
Learning duration: 8 semester (4 years)
Total credit: 125 hours credits
Career prospect
Entrepreneur, Adventure Tourism Manager, Eco-Tourism Developer, Hospitality Manager, Leisure Events Planner, Regional or National Tourism Planner, Regional Tourism Advisor, Tourism Consultant, Tourism Entrepreneur, Tourism and Travel Writer, Tourism Policy Analyst,  and a wide range of employment opportunities at sporting festivals and large leisure events, and in international, national, and regional organisations such as tourism boards, hotels and resorts, international tourism consultancies and historic attractions.
Click here for programs structure

Sarjana Muda Keusahawanan (Perdagangan) dengan Kepujian ( SAK )

Fakulti Keusahawanan dan Perniagaan menawarkan program Sarjana Muda Keusahawanan (Perdagangan) Dengan Kepujian bagi mempersiapkan pelajar dengan kemahiran praktis dan pengetahuan teori tentang konsep keusahawanan dan nilai-nilai keusahawanan yang perlu ada bagi melahirkan  pelajar yang kompeten dan analitik dalam bidang keusahawanan dan juga peniagaan konvensional. Di samping itu, para pelajar juga adalah digalakkan untuk  menyambung pengajian mereka dalam bidang Keusahawanan Perdagangan seiring dengan kepantasan perubahan ekonomi.  Program ini juga adalah bertujuan untuk melahirkan graduan yang pakar dalam bidang Perdagangan serta menguasai bidang Pemasaran, Kewangan dan juga Pengurusan Sumber Manusia. Kurikulum program ini telah direkabentuk untuk memupuk pelajar dengan budaya  dan nilai-nilai keusahawanan, sabar, mempunyai personaliti yang baik serta mampu bersaing di dalam pasaran pekerjaan.
Bahasa Inggeris adalah medium perantaraan bagi semua program yang ditawarkan oleh fakulti

Tempoh Pembelajaran : 8 semester (4 tahun)
Jumlah Kredit: 125 jam kredit
Prospek Kerjaya
Usahawan, Penganalisis Perniagaan, Pelatih Juruakaun, Pelatih Insurans, Penasihat Sumber Manusia, Perunding Pengurusan/ Penasihat Kewangan, Wakil Jualan/ Eksekutif Jualan, , Bekerja Sendiri, Pembeli, Penganalisis Kewangan, Pengurus Operasi/ Pengeluaran, Pembantu/ Eksekutif  Penganalisis Pasaran Pengurus Perdagangan Antarabangsa dan Penganalisis Kredit.


Food and Shopping , Beach

There are lots of food stalls surrounding PC Campus.

  • Mc Donald
  • Marrybrown
  • Pizza Hut
  • KFC ( 15 min away , in airport )
  • Snogurt
  • Iciban Restaurant ( they serve japanese bento , noodles and fried rice )
  • Gary 2 U ( outside of hostel , cheap and taste good )
  • Big Orange ( menu just same like Iciban Restaurant , UMK students get 10% discount )
  • Spicy ( roti canai in the morning )
  • Chinese Food Stall ( 杂菜饭 )
  • Few Burger Stalls
  • Few Malay Restaurant
  • Nasi Kukus Restaurant ( the chicken is nice and every normal bungkus only RM4.50 )
Every Thursday - Pasar Pagi
Every Saturday - Pasar Malam

For the shopping kaki , felt sorry to say that , in Kelantan there are not so much entertainment place for us.
we have only few shopping outlets.

  • Pantai Timur (a.k.a Billions)
  • Parkson
  • Mydin
  • Tesco (normally , UMK student will choose to go Tesco , it take 20 or 30 min go there )
  • KB Mall ( F.O.S , P.D.I , Brand Outlet , Burger King... )

Beach ...there are lots of beach in Kelantan

  • Pantai Cahaya Bulan ( 30 min away UMK ) 
  • Pantai Irama ( 45 min away UMK ) smoothy sand , nice view
  • Tok Aman Bali ( 1 hour away UMK ) damn nice..need to book the resort if you stay overnight there
  • Pantai Sabak ( less than 30 min away UMK ) historical place , first place Japanese Army step in Tanah Melayu
  • ETC....

Outside Area

  • Restaurant Ong Ong Steambot ( serve pork and alcohol )
  • Food Village ( buffet style . Halal )
  • Up To You ( dessert ) 
  • Hayaki ( just like Kopitiam or Old Town )
  • Bak Kut Teh ( Jalan Kebun Sultan )
  • Restaurant Songphan (Lot 2609/85-95, Jalan Hospital, Kg.Cherang, 15200, Kota Bharu) ( Thai food ,serve pork and alcohol )
  • Nasi Ulam ( near pusat budaya ) 
  • Restaurant ChengMai ( Thai food , serve pork and alcohol )

Nasi Ulam

Ong Ong Steambot ( pork and chicken )
Snogurt and Sceret Receipe's cake


Facilities in UMK

Ermm, well. Our school only provide basic facilities.

Here is the link that completely mention all the facilities in UMK

Below are the clinic , gym and library open time


GYM Room


Our UMK also provided Elysian Spa , RM50 to get a membership. You can do your treatment and spa here.


First of all , go BSN buy pin number of PTPTN and IPTA 

Then , click inside the link and fill in all the info there. If you want to borrow PTPTN Loan , urs parents total income must not be higher than RM2500.00

Open a bank account for PTPTN , our school is link with BANK ISLAM.

Pay the school fees for SEM 1 in Bank Islam too ( after receive the booklet from UMK ) Keep properly the receipt , you need it to proof that you paid the fees.

This is the fees that you need to pay for every SEM

- FIAT - RM2060.00
-FKP - RM1910.00
-FTKW - RM2060.00 ( SCK )
              -RM1910.00 ( SCW )
-FPV - RM2210.00

Things that need to bring

  • 喝水的杯子 (铁的和陶瓷的)
  • 装喝的水的水桶 (5.5L) 可到达才买,宿舍有水机
  • 牙刷和牙膏
  • 毛巾(带四条,两条洗脸,两条冲凉)可替换
  • 肥皂(洗衣服的)可到达才买
  • 洗发水,护发素 ,沐浴液 
  • 洗面奶等护肤用品
  • 蚊香 (到了晚上蚊子会特别多)

  • 碗,筷子,汤匙 ,叉子 (还有自备装这些吃具的容器)
  • 两双拖鞋(冲凉和出门)
  • 两个水桶(冲凉和洗衣的),勺子
  • 衣架 ( 晒衣服和挂衣服的)
  • 吹风机
  • 热水壶
  • 洗洁精(用来洗碗 )
  • 常用药 (不带也可以,学校有CLINIC , FOC )
  • 针线包
  • 镜子,梳子,指甲钳
  • 伞 (到达这里买也可以,这里的天气真的又晒又热)
  • 抹布 (可以拿来抹东西,尤其是刚来到时)
  • 锁 ( 用来锁橱的,小小个的就可以了)
  • 笔和笔筒
  • 电脑
  • 生活费(Orientation week 通常是不会用到钱,因为三餐都有给),但是PTPTN的钱没有这样快批,一个月省省用的话,一餐吃外面的话,四百块应该是够的。
  • 耳机(方便听歌不会吵到别人)
  • Multi plug socket
  • 饭锅( 虽然是严禁的,偷偷带是可以的,只是Orientation week时收好来,过后可以自己小煮)
  • 小的菜刀,cutter board (到达这里买也可以)
  • 眼罩(睡觉用的)

如果带不够东西,不用怕。离学校(Pengkalan Chepa ) 学校很近的(走路去5min),有一间超市(Pantai Timur ),里面应有尽有,吃的,用的,都很齐全。

记得带IC COPY with previous school headmaster cop 和 照片 !!!
所有文件记得都要school headmaster cop
- IC x 3 copy
-SPM CERT x 2 copy
-STPM CERT x 2 copy
-MUET CERT x 2 copy
-and so on........

Orientation Week

Here is the official link of UMK , you can check anythings from here

You guy will attending a things call Orientation Week . In this week , maybe 5 or 6 days , you will facing lots of talks , ceramah , talks , ceramah...and doing aerobic exercise even the time is already 12am.

You guy need to wake up very early and sleep very late in this week. This is quite tormented and hard. Nevermind , it will overcome and try use to it.

 Oh ya , this is the hostel look like.

Boy will stay in Block 1 , 2 and 3
Girl will stay in Block 4, 5 , 6 and 7
Every block have ground floor and 3 floor

And for girl , you all can drying yours clothes at the back of every block. Just need to prepare the cloth hanger. If you don't like to hang outside , you can choose either hang in your room or a special room for drying cloth ( beside the bathroom )

This the corridor look like. The bathroom will set in two site , head and tail.
Every bathroom will have 5 shower room and 5 toilet , 8 set of washing basin

This is the bedroom look like. Normally 4 people will share one room. Table desk will provided. Bring your own coverlet and of cause your pillow. No need bring too thick's blanket cause Kelantan is the place that Damn Hot even though it is raining. In case , in case laa..there is some special issues happen like ' flood '..a light blanket is needed on that time.

Welcome to University Malaysia Kelantan

First of all , welcome to UMK.

UMK seperate into 3 campus, just like USM

UMK - 1. JELI - Fakulti Industri Asas Tani (FIAT)

UMK - 2.Pengkalan Chepa , Main Campus - Fakulti Keusahawanan Perniagaan (FKP)

UMK - 3.Bachok - Fakulti of Creative Technology and Heritage (FTKW)

Click the link below , the courses from UMK provide to student